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"Drei Könige"

Größe; 60 "x 40"

Originales Malmedium Acryl (offenes goldenes Acryl) auf Leinen Leinwand, gespannt auf eine Kiefernbahre in Museumsqualität. Bitte mailen Sie mir, wenn Sie Interesse haben, dieses Originalgemälde zu kaufen. E-Mail:

'Drei Könige'

  • Size: 60" x 40" ~ Approximately 152 x 102cm


    Original painting medium Acrylic (Open Golden Acrylic) on Linen Canvas stretched on to a Museum quality pine stretcher bars.


    Please email me if you'r interested to purchase this original painting.  Email:

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Copyright © 2023 Dina Perejogina.

All rights to each image or text on this website are fully retained by the artist Dina Perejogina. Any unauthorised broadcasting, public performance, copying, reproduction or recording will constitute an infringement of copyright. The illegal downloading and distribution of copyrighted works are serious offenses that carry with them the risk of substantial monetary damages, and in some cases, criminal prosecution. I do not give permission to anyone to copy or create unauthorised prints from my artwork for resale or personal use.

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